Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
E30 - Carry yourself with Class, Dan Dwyer
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Dedicating your life to military service and excellence provides an unique opportunity to most folks. They leverage the network, their training, and skills they've largely used to benefit their country to become very successful in the civilian world. Dan Dwyer embodies the transistion we hope and strive for as exiting service members. He outlines some incredible lessons, some great stories and delivers a powerful testimony to those looking for a model to emulate.
Check out our latest episode on iTunes, or your favorite podcast listening app. Remember to check out more from Dan Dwyer on Facebook, and in the Facebook Groups, Vetprenuer Tribe and Vet2BizLife. #dontbebeta #getsomewins
Follow Dan on Instagram:
On the Book of faces:
Listen to Knucklehead Podcast on iTunes, Podbean, or your favorite podcast listening app on Google Play.
Get your #dontbebeta and #getsomewins shirts at www.knuckleheadpodcast.com - Join the movement of not being a victim, choosing to win, and earning your place amongst those that have done the same.
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
E29 - Finding the Drive, Steven Eugene Kuhn
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Doesn’t look like someone that lived in their car, does it? The message being delivered is chalk full of principles that helped Steven Eugene Kuhn get from that car to back on top of his life, creating programs and helping companies be better.
Check out our latest episode on iTunes, or your favorite podcast listening app. Remember to check out more from Steven Eugene Kuhn on Facebook, and in the Facebook Groups, Vetprenuer Tribe and Steven Kuhns IMMEDIATE IMPACT. #dontbebeta #getsomewins #europeanwarrior
Follow Steven on Instagram:
On the Book of faces:
Listen to Knucklehead Podcast on iTunes, Podbean, or your favorite podcast listening app on Google Play.
Get your #dontbebeta and #getsomewins shirts at www.knuckleheadpodcast.com - Join the movement of not being a victim, choosing to win, and earning your place amongst those that have done the same.
Monday Jul 16, 2018
E28 - Get the Spoils w/ Dennis Cohen
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
What do you get when you learn a skill of flying a military specific aircraft, but are no longer employed by the DOD? Well, you leverage that skill to become a successful contractor, a skilled professional and start a business like Dennis did. Aggregating Veteran Owned Businesses products and services has been a pastime that has translated into his business, Spoils of War and his time has been spent learning the in's and out's of business first hand. Great work briniging the vision to life and another solid take from an #alpha. #dontbebeta #getsomewins
Follow Dennis on Instagram:
@getthepoils or @dennisbcohen
On the Book of faces:
Listen to Knucklehead Podcast on iTunes, Podbean, or your favorite podcast listening app on Google Play.
Get your #dontbebeta and #getsomewins shirts at www.knuckleheadpodcast.com - Join the movement of not being a victim, choosing to win, and earning your place amongst those that have done the same.
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
E27 - When it goes away, you earn it back - Aaron "Chili" Childress
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Behind the scenes, it's easy to lose sight of what is important. You can get caught up in the moment, try to outwork the issues that are at home and eventually those problems can overtake your life. In one of my favorite interviews, Aaron Childress talks about challenges only us knuckleheads would get and how they transformed his life. No question that #dontbebeta resonated with this story and his approach to earning back what is his and being a father can weigh heavy on those that listen. Buckle up, this one may get your sentimental, laughing, then learning all at once.
Follow Aaron on Instagram:
On the Book of faces:
Or check out his videos at:
Listen to Knucklehead Podcast on iTunes, Podbean, or your favorite podcast listening app on Google Play.
Get your #dontbebeta and #getsomewins shirts at www.knuckleheadpodcast.com - Join the movement of not being a victim, choosing to win, and earning your place amongst those that have done the same.
Monday Jul 02, 2018
E26 - 5'3" Motivator Mario Fields Sr
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Monday Jul 02, 2018
Super Motivator, SgtMaj Mario Fields Sr currently is an active-duty Marine that leads Marines, his family, and those that connect with him with an authentic style that drops walls, provides leadership and inspiration for all those that connect with him. Starting his career as a 5'3" Marine at the lowest rank and earning the rank of Sergeant Major, the highest enlisted rank for the Marine Corps, this 5'3" Motivator (as he goes by on YouTube) has racked up mistakes and learning lessons for many to draw from. We dive into how your work can start to creep between the lines and affect your mental health, your famliy and other important relationships if you do not take care in the details. Tremendous wisdom from this Marine as he begins the journey into the civilian world, truly excited to see what incredible things he's able to accomplish as he transistions away from boots and puts on the uniform of an entreprenuer. Check out more from Sgt Maj Mario Fields below: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/30_sec_moto Facebook: www.facebook.com/mario.fieldssr YouTube: @5'3" Motivator Join the #dontbebeta movement today by getting your #dontbebeta shirt or #getsomewins at https://knucklehead.wpengine.com/shop/ Follow us on Twitter: @knuckle_pod Subscribe on YouTube: Knucklehead Podcast Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/podknuckle Follow us on Instagram: @knuckleheadpodcast
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
E25 - BC Engineering Group, Kyle Geitner
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Tuesday Jun 26, 2018
Separating from the military doesn't have to full of ambiguity, uncertainty, or trial by error. There's folks out there who've been able to navigate the waters successfully, Kyle Geitner is one of those. Former Active Duty Marine Engineer Kyle Geitner chose #dontbebeta as he leveraged the tools available to earn his way into one of the most difficult engineering schools in the country at UC-Berkeley and was asked to start growing the portfolio of clients for BC Engineering Group in NorCal. When there's uncertainty in your process, lean on the experience of others that have been able to emerge successfully on the other side - we chat with one here.
Listen to Knucklehead Podcast on iTunes, Podbean, or your favorite podcast listening app on Google Play.
Get your #dontbebeta and #getsomewins shirts at www.knuckleheadpodcast.com - Join the movement of not being a victim, choosing to win, and earning your place amongst those that have done the same.
Monday Jun 18, 2018
E24 - "Mission Driven" w/ Dropped Gunner
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
There's stats out there that are startling about how many service members, everyday folks, and people struggling with mental health that too often lead to suicide. Part of #dontbebeta means that we touch on controversial subjects and give people a platform to bring their perspective to the table. In this episode, Active Duty Marine @DroppedGunner (Instagram and Facebook) brings the story of how the message "Bringing light to Suicide Awareness" came to be, how it's changed and the steam it's been able to get since their first post.
Their branding, sales and more generate revenue that helps to provide gym memberships for vets struggling with mental health challenges. They contribute to the prevention, awareness and discussion of suicide by helping keep people engaged in their health, their fitness and productive actions in their life.
You can find more information about how to support the movement by being human and caring, as well as:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/droppedgunner/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dropped.gunner.3
And support their business by buying shirts, appareal and more: https://www.americantriggerpullers.com/collections/dropped-gunner
Join the #dontbebeta movement today by getting your #dontbebeta shirt or #getsomewins at https://knucklehead.wpengine.com/shop/
Follow us on Twitter: @knuckle_pod
Subscribe on YouTube: Knucklehead Podcast
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podknuckle/
Follow us on Instagram: @knuckleheadpodcast
Monday Jun 11, 2018
E23 - Real Estate Nuggets Derek Murrell, Good Faith Home Buyers
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Buckle up.
This one gets intense. Have you ever had someone steal from you?
Have you ever been punched in the mouth and you have to show your poker face?
Ever been lied to?
We'll as business owners, real estate investors, dad and provider and a human being, Prior Marine Derek Murrell jumps into this story of perseverance, grit and determination to muslce through an incredibly dark time. This is one you'll learn from, go up and down with the forks in the road and come out on the other side thankful for his attitude and experience of winning.
Truly a #dontbebeta story and ripe full of the #getsomewins mindset. You can find out more about Derek Murrell on Facebook, search Good Faith Home Buyers, LLC or him directly and on his website, www.goodfaithhomebuyers.com.
Find out more about Knucklehead Podcast and our consulting work:
Facebook Page, Unofficial: Knucklehead
Instragram Page: @knuckleheadpodcast
Web: www.knuckleheadpodcast.com
Directly: stephen@knuckleheadpodcast.com
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
E22 - Four Weapon Safety Rules
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
You may know the safety rules for weapons. You may know some good principles to live your life by. You may even know what it's like to have someone break one of those rules, or maybe you've broken one yourself. But, applying the rules to your life and understanding the x4 basic rules to your business, your life, or your career hasn't been something you've considered before.
Remember, plenty to come here on Knucklehead Podcast including an upcoming guest who has coordinated one of the major Military Influencer conferences in the nation, a transistion specialist that helps veterans find their purpose with a long track record of results, and a review contest where some shirts are on the line. You can still redeem at the Echelon Front Muster a $300 discount by entering the code:
Go get yours today and start applying this principle in your life to reap the rewards of these principles. #dontbebeta #getsomewins
Tuesday May 22, 2018
E21 - VET CEO Chris Hoffman
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Chris Hoffman served his country loyally as a Marine and has since been able to leverage that training into a successful sales career as well as his career as a business owner. We chat with him about some "knucklehead moments", failing in x2 businesses, and x5 different jobs as he failed forward. Most of his expereinces were documented in his new book, available at www.ambitiousvet.com and we had a ton of fun making fun of our times as Marines and learning to live by the philosophy of getting better a little bit every day. #dontbebeta #getsomewins
Ever wondered what the secret formula is for creating success and effectiveness out of the uniform?
Chris has created it with his brand new Ebook called 10 Steps to Predicted Success out of the Uniform!
After sleeping on a wrestling mat, only owning a school desk and deep desire to succeed, owning 5 different careers and 2 failed business’ in the first 5 years; Chris brings you his 10 Steps to Predicted Success out of the Uniform!
Here are the 10 Steps included in the book: