
Tuesday May 05, 2020
E110 - Are Dad's Necessary? with Military Veteran Dad Podcast Host Ben Killoy
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Ep 110- Transforming Knucklehead Moments to Opportunities with Ben Killoy
While Facebook and Instagram say everything is perfect, Ben Killoy of Military Veteran Dad Podcast shares his story on how he turns his knucklehead moments to opportunities.
In today’s Knucklehead Podcast episode, Ben expresses why he felt more alive after losing his job, what’s the genuine value of fatherhood, and how he uses unemployment to leverage and be the father he strived to be.
Ben Killoy is a father, a husband, and a marine veteran. Owner of The Military Veteran Dad Podcast, his mission is to bring every dad home both physically and mentally to their marriage and their family. He uses his passion for leadership to help Military Veteran Dads understand who they are, develop the skills to overcome adversity, and own their life and choices.
Favorite Quote:
“I wanted to show that daddy's not down to the punch. It's about getting back up. It's about when you fall off, you get back on and you keep trying.”
-Ben Killoy
In this episode:
0:38 - Getting to know Ben Killoy
4:21 - The story behind his perspective of life as becoming better after being unemployed.
8:31 - How Ben takes advantage of his job loss to leverage and teach his kids a lesson
10:11 - The winning moments of stay-at-home dads
14:23 - Finding the balance between being a provider and a father
19:57 - Recognizing the truthful value of fatherhood in this generation
26: 24 - His mindset of how he views life perceived by his first knucklehead
28:08 - How knucklehead moments be the best father’s tool in helping your kid see a different lens and move forward.
Connect with Ben Killoy
Click here to connect with Knucklehead Media Group
- Knucklehead Media Group is your “push button” for podcast. We help companies and organizations tell their story using podcasts and best practices for content distribution. Home to some of the top podcasts across multiple categories, captivating coursework on gaining traction with your show, and consulting to those companies BOLD enough to get some wins. We believe your mistakes set the foundation for your success, those stories help customers beat a pathway to your doorstep, and the myths from bringing business online shouldn't hold you back from getting yours.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
E109 - Speed of Digital, Empire Selling CEO Dan Swift
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
It’s not an everyday experience in which an individual is brought onboard a prominent business service company and asked to develop a project from scratch. This was case of Dan Swift, founder and CEO of Empire Selling, this was the exact scenario that he found himself in when he was brought onboard LinkedIn in 2012 to help build their Launched Sales Navigator.
Check out more from Dan:
Empire Selling: https://empireselling.com/
Dan Swift: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danjswift/
LinkedIn, Empire Selling: https://www.linkedin.com/company/empireselling/

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
E108 - Buddy Check and VETD Talent Network Aficionado Joshua Dominic Prado
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Josh Prado is an extroverted Navy veteran who helps fellow veterans transition through providing a solution, or is the actual solution himself with all the individuals he surrounds himself with. Tune in on this Knucklehead Media podcast as Josh talks about how failure is a common aspect of ultimately succeeding in life as he found out the Knucklehead way in his own journey!
Joshua Prado - https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-dominic-prado-maed-aet-3736a5a0
VETD Talent Network - https://www.facebook.com/VETDTalentNetwork

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
E107 - The Value of Hustle - the Hustle President, Adam Ryan
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Imagine being told by your boss on your very first day at work that you are literally going to be doing cold calls to clients in an isolated office all day despite having no experience.
What do you do?
Go into the corner and start to cry? Or, roll with the punches telling yourself that with each call you will get better?
Adam Ryan chose to do the latter when it came to his very first day at work.
Adam Ryan is a former 9th-grade government teacher originally from Columbia, Missouri, who had the opportunity via the Lance Armstrong Foundation to come to Austin, Texas which was supporting a non-profit charity he was working with. He was working for free before taking a leap into the world of media marketing and began working for Spiceworks, a B2B media platform mainly focusing on IT where he sold advertising. When working at Spiceworks began to lose its luster, Adam soon left to work with Under Armour where he worked to assist in making major acquisitions that involved familiar names such as MapMyFitness and Endomondo.
In taking the plunge, Adam would soon contribute to the major successes of The Hustle in addition to soon becoming the President of the company.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
James Van Prooyen knows podcasting.
Sure, you may know what an RSS feed is.
You may even know how to place your feed in a way that garners attention. Yet, without ACCESS - even the basics ended up falling short. Getting someone's attention can happen by accident, but if you want consistency and ACCESS to those with an audience, then James is the man you want to know.
Co-Founder of the Military Podcasting Network, City Leader for the Bay Area Bunker Labs Network, and former Air Force Comms guru - "VP" as he's known in smaller circles continues to be the reason Waldo is hiding. He is podcasting's "most interesting man".

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
E105 - New Director of Content Strategy at Knucklehead Media Group, Justin Szerletich
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Justin is a U.S. Marine Corps infantry veteran with a range of expertise in radio, film and TV. He’s an on-air personality, producer, editor, filmmaker, motion graphic designer, CG & VFX producer and creative content strategist. His passion, innovation, inspiration and creativity has seen him helm amazingly creative projects with clients such as ESPN Radio, State of Illinois Dept. of Labor, Social Security Administration, BizTalk Radio, KnuckleHead Media Group, Business Doctor TV Show, Strategic Alliance for Veteran Integration, Blumhouse Productions, We Are The Mighty, 23Veteran, and more...
Connect directly with Justin at justin@knucklehead.agency

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
E104 - Being Born As An Entreprenuer, Lime Media CEO Heath Hill
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
True entrepreneurs do not see fear. They see only as opportunity.
Seeing what Heath Hill and the team around him has accomplished, how his life has changed by having a disciplined and principled approach to growing his organization has inspired talent to join him on his mission. Hustle and grind can only get you so far and for many years, 12-14 hours a day were many years was the op-tempo, until he decided to work smarter.
Lime Media works in partnership with agencies and brands to CREATE experiential marketing programs, promotions and events that deliver messages to a target audience. They are experts in planning and executing highly effective marketing programs that ENGAGE consumers in a variety of locations and environments. They do this by owning over 100 vehicles that can efficiently and effectively MOVE your program to large and small markets around the country.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hhill
Check out more from Lime: https://lime-media.com

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
E103 - Humans 2.0 Mark Metry
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Mark Metry's life work has been featured in Forbes, Influencive, Inc, Huffington Post, Fearless Motivation, etc and been a guest on over 100 radio and podcast shows.
Mark continuers to be a media strategist consulting funded start-ups, founders, and organizations to sustainably start, grow & brand build their way through the competition in the age of vanity metrics with marketing experience for over 13 years and accumulation of over 100M+ overall network views.
Listen to 500+ Episodes of Humans 2.0 Here:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-metry/
Book a call: https://www.markmetry.com/business

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
E102 - Selling from your Hospital Bed, w/ Ryan Dodge
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Ryan Dodge knows how to fight.
More importantly, he knows how to win.
Learning to fight in the Army, he earned promotions, respect, as well as learned to lead. He found through real estate investing that those intangibles would help him to stand out in amongst a crowded room of people otherwise just interested.
Persevering through challenges, not limited to brain injury, Ryan discovered that people aren't always what they seem and that his ability to fight would be the difference for his family and his future.
Follow and engage directly with Ryan below:
LinkedIn: Ryan Dodge Public Profile
Facebook: Ryan Dodge Profile

Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
E101 - Mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn with Stapho Thienpont
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Some quick stats on Stapho - despite the mistakes and screwups that he ran into along the way.
- 3+ Million Organic LinkedIn views
- 5 Million Organic Sticker views
- First ever LinkedIn course entirely on a Messenger bot
- An incredibly engaged Facebook Group with 2k+ members
- The TMF Picnic, a weekly Live show that's has reached thousands of viewers.
Check out more from Stapho - Follow and engage directly with Stapho below:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stapho
Book a call: http://tmfam.rocks/strategy